Monday, June 27, 2011

On the Road At Last!

Well folks, we are officially on the road, heading across the country!  I'm not going to lie, things got off to a pretty shaky start, but we are definitely having fun, and everyone is sleeping soundly now, so tomorrow should be better.  :)

So far we have made it to our first destination, Fort Worth, Texas.  The drive from New Mexico to Texas was the longest of our trip, so we had the GENIUS idea to drive through the night so that the kids could sleep the whole way. Then we would arrive in the morning, and everyone would be happy and wonderful.  This was possibly our worst idea ever.

We left at midnight Sunday night (Monday morning?), and let's just say that our kids apparently are not able to get good sleep in the car after being awakened in the middle of the night.  There was screaming and stopping and nursing and crying and stopping and whining and...until about 4:30 or 5 in the morning.  They finally did fall asleep, but by 6:30 a.m. it was time for us to stop and get breakfast, so then everyone was up again.

After breakfast, we were still about 2.5 hours away, but we thought it would be an easy drive.  Everyone was so wiped out, we thought for sure they would go back to sleep and we could just head straight there.  Well, no such luck.  We must have stopped four times in the first 30 minutes on the road.  But eventually we made it, safe and sound, and had a good time getting some things done in Fort Worth.  We then had a picnic lunch, and headed to the hotel to unload, wind down, and take a nice afternoon nap.

I will have more pictures to share for sure, but here is a peak at what my kids are up to when they are not running wild in Target, chasing ants out on the lawn, or throwing a temper tantrum from their sheer exhaustion:

Yes, they are indeed playing the piano in our hotel room.  They were SO delighted to "play" and sing all afternoon.  And I'm sure the other guests are just as delighted, haha!  Can't wait to see what other fun surprises this adventure holds!!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot imagine traveling so far by car with 3 little ones. I hope that the rest of your trip goes a little more smoothly and peacefully for the kiddos.
