But in the craziness that has become my life these days, there is one thing that I truly want to share, and that is the many, MANY ways I have seen the Lord bless and provide for my family in the past two months.
As excited as we were to move here, and as ready as we both were for my husband to go back to school, it was somewhat a leap of faith. We felt that this was were God was leading us, but we had never been here. Never visited. Never looked at apartments or seen the campus. We had no friends or family here. And we had no jobs. Once we made the leap, however, we secured an apartment close enough to campus for my husband to ride a bike to school. It was the very last apartment available in this complex. (This meant we could sell one of our cars, and I have to say, it is pretty fantastic having only one car!). We then waited patiently and trusted that God would continue to work out the details, and provide income as well as other odds and ends that we needed.
After moving in and trying to get settled, I was offered 4 different jobs (including some I did not even apply for!) and God made it clear where He wanted me. As hard as it is for me to be at work, I am learning a little more each day why God has me there, and I feel incredibly blessed.
But then there are other things that God has provided, that I was not even prepared for or expecting. For example, when we were moving in, it was just us and all our stuff in storage. Through a mutual friend in a different state, God provided a man who grabbed a few of his friends to help us unload all our boxes, beds and washer and dryer into our new home. At the time, it didn't even occur to me that we would need help moving in, but looking back, I have no idea how we would have done it without them.
And then, God began to provide tangible things. Our plan was always that we would have the one car for me to drive to work, and my husband would ride a bike to campus. Great plan, except that we didn't actually own a bike. Well, after moving in, we mentioned the need for a bike to some new friends here, and they said, "Oh, there's a guy! He repairs bikes, then gives them to people who need them!" They made a call, and two weeks later, he had a bike ready!!
And then there's "The Attic". It's a ministry on campus for seminary students and families. People make donations (clothes, household items, furniture, TVs, etc.) and everything is organized and available for families to take for free. So far a few of the things we have gotten at the Attic include: a microwave, a (very nice, like new) printer, a wicker basket, some dishes, two storage bins that we use for toy boxes, some clothes for the kids for winter, a couple of clothing items for me and my husband and some other odds and ends.
In addition, God has provided the most wonderful and supportive neighbors. Their children are all around the same ages as ours, and they love to play together. We are greatly enjoying getting to know them, and have been blessed by them, even in our short time here. One friend even made us dinner one night because she heard I was sick!
Honestly, I could go on and on with stories of God's provision, but I'll stop there. I'm looking forward to sharing more of our life here, and of God's plans for our family!

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